Rune Yoga is not a sport – it’s magic

Learn from the ancestors and create something new:

Rune Yoga® starts, where all the other kinds of yoga stop. At that moment where we all have to connect us. Where we have to let go of the feeling, that we’re not a separate individual but we’re all one. One with everyone, the earth and everything on it. And this creates an amazing feeling of shelteredness and inner peace.

„Nordic yoga? That cannot be. Yoga is from India.“ 


The word yoga comes from the word „Joch“, which means effort, weight, pressure. It’s true that the philosophy of yoga has it’s origin in India, but the exercises come from Europe. The asanas, like we practice them in the yoga classes here in the western world, are all gymnastic exercises, which came to India from the Indogerman region. It was around 1400 AD that the first 15 asanas were created within the Hatha-yoga Pradipika. Nowadays, more than 120 asanas exist.

If you want to know more about this topic, I suggest to read the article of Meera Nanda, a professor for history of science at the India Institute of Science Education and Research in Mohali:


„Runes? Does it have to do with the Aesir?“ 


Every kind of writing is related to the patriachy (rules and laws). It doesn’t seem to be a coincidence, that the oldest known runes are backdated to 100 – 400 AD, the date of appearance of Odin and company. Nevertheless, they were created by people that were still very close to the matriarchy and tried to live their peaceful structure as long as possible.

Because of the enormous power of the runes, it is not recommended, to play around with them. Some of you might know, what kind of wrong games have been played with them in the past. You can find some rough instructions to the asanas on the internet, but which only show a small part of the holistic method that I have developed. Rune Yoga is a bow in love for the universe and serves the wellbeing of everyone and everything. That’s why you should keep an eye on, if your teacher has been certified by me.

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What do you connect with the word love?

The Arabian language has over 80 words for love. Every word describes another kind of love. E.g. the love between brother and sister, the love to an animal, the love to a partner, the careless love, the unconditional love. 

Within the runes there are also different kinds of love:

GEBU/GIBOR stands for unconditional love in the sense of „giving“ – devotion

EH/EIWAZ stands for the love between two people in the sense of „marriage“ – partnership

LAF/LAGUZ stands for the love to life – the life elixir

HAGAL stands for the love to all/everything and its protection – caring

These examples are only roughly presented in keywords. A rune includes much more information, but I do not want to go into detail here.

Furthermore I want to share an insight, that reoccured to me, when I met a rune magician some days ago. We were talking vividly about the different effects of the runes and at the end we came to the universal statement „Love is the only thing, that exists. Everything else is an illusion.“

It’s crazy, but with every one I speak to – may it be a Reiki master, an astrologist or a doctor – when we strip down all theories about the meaning of life like leaves on an onion, we come to love. Of course at first we land in nothing, but everything has evolved from this nothing. Why?

The answer to this question may not be grasped with our minds, but I found it in the rune LAF (LOVE). The rune of the water of life, the amniotic fluid, which feeds the unborn.

It’s the force to create something. And this force is love. A power which creates everything. Only love can.